Judge Sam Wemms's responce to an hate mail
To: Mr. Karekin Jelalian

Mr. Jelalian:

My publisher forwarded your email to me. Please permit me to respond in this manner.

In your e mail you state that "the St. John Press book is full of lies, lies, lies. Who paid Weems to write it? It's so typical of Turkish revisionism. Are you sure you want to be supporting a web site that's so blatantly deceptive???"

Good sir, first and foremost, What kind of odd ball are you to make such claims about a book you have never read? For your information, the basis of my research for my book "IS" Armenian sources, not Turkish!

Buy the book yourself and learn that I used primarily "Armenian" sources upon which I draw my conclusions. Once you read the book, should you discover how your Armenian historians are wrong and have made mistakes, I shall be delighted to make corrections in my second edition to point out these errors, mistakes and Armenian "lies."

You asked "who paid Weems to write it" as to my book. No one has paid me to write my book! It is written in the typical way books are published. Your question does not make any sense and is insulting. Why should anyone pay me to write "my" book in the first place? Based upon four years of exhaustive research, I conclude that American Christians and taxpayers should know how Armenia has fleeced and deceived the Christian world, going back to 1885!

You, good sir, will be amazed to learn, by name, who started the great Armenian "lie" and the exact date the lie was first told that the Ottomans massacred 1.5 million poor Armenians. Good sir, you will also learn, by name and date, who spread the great Armenian lie of massacre, and there is proof certain that there could not have been this great "genocide" as Armenians have been claiming over and over and over