Dear Readers
Below is a letter from Brittany Lute, an American educationalist, received by Anayurdum regarding a talented Azeri student who needs funds to further his education. If anyone is aware of funding or scholarship opportunities please contact the editor or Ms Lute directly on email address provided below.
To Whom it May Concern:
I am an American student who recently had an opportunity to meet with a group of Azeri students. I met them at the INEPO competition in Antalya, Turkey. I must say that I met students from all over the world at that competition, but the Azeri students were the most special. I have never seen more hard-working, focused, driven, intelligent, and polite children than the Azeri children. They were so sweet and kind. There were two teams in the competition. One team took the gold medal and the other took the silver. I befriended one particular student - Nijat Alishev. He is the one who took the gold medal. He is an exceptional student. He studies so meticulously. He is curious and determined. He speaks good English. He feels the urge to know everything, learn everything, and to do everything. He attempts to help his family, but as you know, it is an impossible task for him. His dream is to study at an American University and become a doctor. As you also know that dream is virtually impossible for him to reach due to the overwhelmingly powerful financial constraints. I was touched very deeply by this boy from Azerbaijan. He is far more deserving than any of us who are naturally endowed with such opportunities only due to our birthplace. He is a perfect student. If there is any way for you to help me help him, in this organisation or any other, could you please let me know. I would send him personally, but my family has not the means either. I hope that I am not searching in vain for aid that does not exist. If there are any available sponsors, scholarships, financial aids or any grants could you please inform me. Thank you very much for your time. It is greatly appreciated.
Brittany Lute