29 Aug.Salmas-Southern Azerbaijan -(Summarised text of interview from Emanet Magazine of Tebriz) Elekber Aqayi MP in Iranian parliament from Salmas constituency of Southern Azerbaijan sharply criticised Iranian governments aggression against Azerbaijan Republic. " It is my duty, on behalf of my constituents, criticise the wrong policy of Foreign Office against our neighbours. I strongly condemn the foreign office's stand against our Brothers in Republic of Azerbaijan. After collapse of Soviet union Iran could and
should have won hearts and souls of all Turkic Muslim countries specially Azerbaijan Republic but unfortunately we chose to work against them. As we rejected AR's offer of friendship and made military alliances with Greece and Armenia enemies of all Turks and Moslems it is only natural if Azerbaijan Republic look for protection elsewhere. It is our Government's fault that they are having warm relations with certain countries." said Elekber Aqayi in an exclusive interview with Emanet magazine of Tebriz.