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Boyuk Bey Resuloglu
The most Prominent Leader of South Azerbaijan
Well-known poet and thinker Boyuk
Resuloglu undoubtedly is the most prominent leader of Southern Azerbaijan. He
was born in Tebriz capital of southern Azerbaijan in1942 (
Devechi Gerov Ustu), finished elementary school in Rushdi primary School and
secondary school in Urmu and Tebriz respectively. He studied Hydro-Soil
Engineering in Turkey and returned back to Tebriz in 1970 while he was a PHD
student for a vacation.
He was
arrested in Tebriz by Shah’s intelligent services (Savak) after only a few days
of his arrival to his hometown on charges of Azerbaijani Nationalism and Pan
Turkism. He spent some 30 months in jail.
being released from jail he was never allowed to work in public sector
therefore he had to find a job in private engineering companies. Incidentally
his first job was in Muqeddem marageyi’s Engineering Consultant Company as a
charter engineer. Marageyi shortly became governor general of East Azerbaijan
in the early years of 1979 revolution.
Resuloglu has had so many interviews with Varliq monthly of Tehran to raise
awareness of Azerbaijanis to their national issues and he also is author of
scores of books such as Azerbaijani Proverbs, His Poems , In my motherland’s path
and …
He is father of four childeren
Solmaz, Selcuq, Yashar and ………
Boyuk Resuloglu moved to Baku in
1994 along with his family and set up Committee for Protection of World
Azerbaijanis Rights (CPWAR). Abulfezl Elchibey President of Azerbaijan Republic
at the time, Isa Qenber leader of Yeni Musavat party and Parliament speaker and
many other top official and politicians were also founding members of CPWAR. A
worldwide organisation with representatives in America and almost all Major
European countries. Ever since he has been one of the prime target of anti Turk
Iranian fascist regime and his supporters neutralised scores of plots against
his life. Despite reformist government in Tehran he is still receiving death
threats every now and again.